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`boost::hana` introspection for templated function

I would like to find out if a type defines a member function with a template argument but the template argument is constrained with SFINAE.

Example I have a type A with a single function foo

struct A{
   template<typename T>
   std::enable_if<Condition<T>,ReturnType> foo(T t){ ... }

Condition is some condition eg std::is_pos_v

Right now I'm using boost::hana::is_valid to figure out if a type has a member function like foo() or foo(int) but when with template argument I'm lost.

I would like to write something like this

auto has_foo = hana::is_valid([](auto t) -> delctype(hana::traits::declval(t).foo(???)){});
has_foo(hana::type_c<A>); // <-- I want this to return true

The question is what should I put instead of ??? ?

It is probably impossible for the compiler to "prove" that a type A satisfy: "For every type T which satisfy Condition there is a member function A::foo(T) "

So to make it easier for the compiler, I would be happy to at least "prove" that for a type A holds: "There is a type T such that there is a member function A::foo(T) "

Unfortunately, this is still hard in my example because this would require proving that there is a type which satisfy Condition .

Thus isn't it possible for the purpose of introspection to ignore SFIANE? Then I could pick an arbitrary type and test existence of eg A::foo(int) .

As stated, there is no facility provided for this kind of introspection short of writing a compiler plugin and walking the AST yourself.

You can certainly use hana::is_valid if you provide a concrete T to make a complete and valid expression.

I provided an additional example that allows providing a "concept" assuming some kind of facility for providing a concrete T for whatever "concept" you put in. This is a bit of a reach though.

#include <boost/hana.hpp>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>

namespace hana = boost::hana;
using hana::Sequence;

struct A {
    template <typename T>
    std::enable_if_t<Sequence<T>::value, void> foo(T) { }

struct B {
    template <typename T>
    void bar(T) { }

template <typename T>
auto has_foo_1 = hana::is_valid([](auto&& a)
    -> decltype(std::forward<decltype(a)>(a).foo(std::declval<T>())) { });

template <template <typename, typename> typename Concept>
auto declval_concept_impl = int{};

template <>
auto declval_concept_impl<Sequence> = hana::tuple<>{};

template <template <typename, typename> typename Concept>
using declval_concept = std::add_rvalue_reference_t<decltype(declval_concept_impl<Concept>)>;

template <template <typename, typename> typename Concept>
auto has_foo_2 = hana::is_valid([](auto&& a)
    -> decltype(std::forward<decltype(a)>(a).foo(declval_concept<Concept>{})) { });

int main() {
    A a;
    B b;

    static_assert(    has_foo_1<hana::tuple<>>(a));
    static_assert(not has_foo_1<hana::tuple<>>(b));
    static_assert(    has_foo_2<Sequence>(a));
    static_assert(not has_foo_2<Sequence>(b));

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