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Update Query working in MySQL workbench but not in Java code

I have created a query where I want to update some column using an inner query in the same table. And the query working fine in MySQL workbench but if I am using the same query in java then it gives me error like

expecting "set", found 'INNER'

Here is my query which I have created.

UPDATE table1 t1  
            FROM table1 WHERE id = 1) t2  
  ON t1.time = t2.time 
SET t1.fromUserId=305, 

Java code

    public void methodName(DTOClass dtoClass) throws DatabaseException {
        logger.info("*******************In save-update ******************");
        StringBuilder saveQuery = new StringBuilder();
        try {
            saveQuery.append(" UPDATE table1 t1    INNER JOIN (SELECT MAX(time)  FROM table1 ");
            saveQuery.append(" WHERE id = :addedBy) t2  ON t1.time = t2.time ");
            saveQuery.append(" SET t1.fromUserId=:fromUserId, t1.toUserId=:toUserId, t1.type=:type, ");
            saveQuery.append( " t1.subcategoryId=:subcategoryId, t1.isDeleted=false, t1.isNotify=:isNotify ");
            Query query = getCurrentSession().createQuery(saveQuery.toString());
            query.setParameter("addedBy", dtoClass.getAddedBy());
            query.setParameter("fromUserId", dtoClass.getFromUserId());
            query.setParameter("toUserId", dtoClass.getToUserId());
            query.setParameter("type", dtoClass.getType());
            query.setParameter("subcategoryId", dtoClass.getSubcategoryId());
            query.setParameter("isNotify", dtoClass.getIsNotify());


        } catch (Exception exception) {
            logger.error(exception.getMessage(), exception);
            throw new DatabaseException(ResourceManager.getProperty(EXCEPTION_DAO_USER));



Can someone please help. Thanks in advance!

From your code getCurrentSession().createQuery(saveQuery.toString()); I guess you are using some JPA implementation (spring or something? and join in update is not available in JPQL ( https://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/tutorial/doc/bnbtl.html#bnbud )

So you can either try to send it as a native mysql query. I am not sure what was the exact way to do that because I don't have such project here right now but I believe it was something like: getCurrentSession().createNativeQuery(saveQuery.toString()); Then it should work but it kinds of defeat the purpose of using JPA :)

So I guess you should just rework the query like it was proposed above:

update table1 set fromUserId=305, toUserId=306 where time = (SELECT MAX(time)  FROM table1 WHERE id = 1);

Can you try this:

update A
set A.fromUserId=305, 
from table1  A
inner join (SELECT MAX(time) as bTime  FROM table1 WHERE id = 1) B
on (A.time = (B.bTime))

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