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SpyOn in Angular testing

First, I apologize. I'm really new to Angular and am not sure I know enough to ask a good question, let alone provide some small working examples.

I'm trying to use spyOn in a unit test, and not having much luck.

Basically, my unit test calls a method on component that calls a service1, that calls another service2.

When I try to spyOn on service1, it doesn't use the mock value that I provide. It calls the "real" ServiceProvidersHTTPService.getAllUsers and uses AppConfigService instead of MockAppConfigService.

I'll start by copying my Test.

describe('ProjectAnalystComponent', () => {
  let component: ProjectAnalystComponent;
let fixture: ComponentFixture<ProjectAnalystComponent>;
let service: ServiceProvidersHTTPService ;

  beforeEach(async(() => {
  imports: [HttpClientModule, RouterTestingModule],
    declarations: [ ProjectAnalystComponent ],
      {provide: AppConfigService, useClass: MockAppConfigService }


  beforeEach(() => {
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ProjectAnalystComponent);
  component = fixture.componentInstance;

it('should create', () => {
    console.log("######### Did this run");
    let service = fixture.debugElement.injector.get(ServiceProvidersHTTPService);
    spyOn(service, 'getAllUsers').and.returnValue('{}');


TL;DR Mock your service.


In your testbed, you provide the actual service :

providers:[ServiceProvidersHTTPService, ...

This means you actually call the real methods of your service .

If you mock your service, like you did there :

{provide: AppConfigService, useClass: MockAppConfigService }

Then you call random functions that you declare in your mock .

Another advantage of mocking, you get rid of the dependencies of your dependencies.

As you said, your service calls another service : if you mock your first service, you don't have to add the dependencies of this service into your testbed .

So, they way to go :

const mock = {
  provide: ServiceProvidersHTTPService,
  useValue: {
    getAllUsers: () => null

In your testbed now :

providers: [mock, ...

In useValue , you must put all the variables and all the functions of your actual service, and mock them .

In this case, instead of making HTTP calls, your function getAllUsers will simply return null. You can make it return anything you want (the good practice is to return a value that is the same type of the value that should be returned).

Last piece of advice : your unit tests should test only the functions and methods of your actual feature (here being ProjectAnalystComponent ). You should not test if your service call the other service here : you should test that in the unit testing of your service .

If you have any questions, feel free to ask !

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