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Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 - update entites

In one of our projects we have integrated Microsoft Dynamics 2011 using its SDK. However, when querying Accounts , not all the fields get included.

The missing fields are not included in the local CrmEntities.cs , which apparently has been generated by some tool. However, I don't understand how to re-generate the file (I have not been working with CRM before).

Any clues?

The tool was probably CrmSvcUtil which allows you to generate early bound classes. You need to regenerate the early bound classes when your entity model changes.

See Create early bound entity classes with the code generation tool (CrmSvcUtil.exe)

CrmSvcUtil.exe /url:http://<serverName>/<organizationName>/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc
    /out:<outputFilename>.cs /username:<username> /password:<password> /domain:<domainName>
    /namespace:<outputNamespace> /serviceContextName:<serviceContextName>

It could be generated using Early Bound Generator from XrmToolbox.

Even you can do the same from CrmSvcUtil from SDK, manually in command mode.

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