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How to count occurrences of attributes using XQuery

I am using XQuery to count occurrences of related comments, on a thread on Social Media. However, I only want to count these occurrences, if the comments are made by females. (This is for a gender related research project at Uni.

So far I have got XQuery to count all the occurrences of the comments made by females by using this:

for $t in doc ("women.xml")
let $a:=$t//comment/@gender="female"
return count ($a)

However I need some help working out how I would adapt this to account the occurrences of appearance specific comments said by females.

Thank you for your help

First, note that

let $a:=$t//comment/@gender="female" return count ($a)

always returns 1. That's because the result of "=" is a boolean, and a boolean value is a sequence of length 1. What you intended is

let $a:=$t//comment[@gender="female"] return count ($a)

or more simply


Now, if you only want to define "appearance-specific" comments, you can do


and then you need to define a function

declare function local:is-appearance-specific(
        $c as element(comment)) as xs:boolean {

which returns true if the comment is considered "appearance-specific".

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