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Declarations/definitions as statements in C and C++

I was confused when this wouldn't compile in C:

int main()
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
        int a = 5; // A dependent statement may not be declaration

    return 0;

I'm used to C++ where this will compile. I just stared dumbfounded for a while until I remembered an answer here on SO about how in C and C++ different things are considered "statements". This was in regard to a switch statement. A "statement" after the for loop brackets must be present both in C and C++. This can be done in both either adding a semicolon or creating a { } squiggly bracket block.

In C++ "int a = 7;" is considered a declaration, definition, and initialisation. In CI believe it is also considered all of these, however in C it is not considered a "statement".

Could someone exactly clarify why in C this isn't a statement whereas in C++ it is? This is confusing my concept of what a statement is, because one language says it is, and another says it isn't, so I'm kind of confused.

C++ allowed that the "substatement" of an iteration statement was implicitly a compound statement ([stmt.iter])

If the substatement in an iteration-statement is a single statement and not a compound-statement, it is as if it was rewritten to be a compound-statement containing the original statement. Example:

while (--x >= 0)
   int i;

can be equivalently rewritten as

while (--x >= 0) {
   int i;

the C standard does not have this language.

Additionally, the definition of a statement changed in C++ to include a declaration statement , so even if the above change wasn't made, it would still be legal.

The reason that adding braces makes it work is because your declaration now becomes a compound-statement which can include declarations.

You are allowed to have an identifier in a loop body without braces, so you can do this instead:

int a = 5;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)

In C++, a statement is (C++17 standard draft)

excerpt from [gram.stmt]

    attribute-specifier-seqopt expression-statement
    attribute-specifier-seqopt compound-statement
    attribute-specifier-seqopt selection-statement
    attribute-specifier-seqopt iteration-statement
    attribute-specifier-seqopt jump-statement
    attribute-specifier-seqopt try-block




Note that there are declaration statements in C++, which are declarations, and are statements. Similarly, simple declarations are init statements. Not all declarations are statements though. The grammar of declarations contains things that are not in the list of statements:

excerpt from [gram.dcl]



    decl-specifier-seq init-declarator-listopt ;
    attribute-specifier-seq decl-specifier-seq init-declarator-list ;
    attribute-specifier-seqopt decl-specifier-seq ref-qualifieropt [ identifier-list ] initializer ;


The list of declaration grammars continues on for a few pages.

In C, a statement is (C11 standard draft)

excerpt from Statements and blocks


Note that there are no declarations that are statements in C.

So, the meaning of statement is clearly different in the languages. Statement in C++ appears to have a broader meaning than statement in C.

According to cppreference, C++ includes following types of statements :

  1. expression statements;
  2. compound statements;
  3. selection statements;
  4. iteration statements;
  5. jump statements;
  6. declaration statements;
  7. try blocks;
  8. atomic and synchronized blocks

While C considers following types of statements :

  1. compound statements
  2. expression statements
  3. selection statements
  4. iteration statements
  5. jump statements

As you can notice, declarations are not considered statements in C, while it is not this case in C++.

For C++:

int main()
{                                     // start of a compound statement
    int n = 1;                        // declaration statement
    n = n + 1;                        // expression statement
    std::cout << "n = " << n << '\n'; // expression statement
    return 0;                         // return statement
}                                     // end of compound statement

For C:

int main(void)
{                          // start of a compound statement
    int n = 1;             // declaration (not a statement)
    n = n+1;               // expression statement
    printf("n = %d\n", n); // expression statement
    return 0;              // return statement
}                          // end of compound statement

In C++ declarations are statements while in C declarations are not statements. So according to the C grammar in this for loop

for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
    int a = 5;

int a = 5; must be a substatement of the loop. However it is a declaration.

You could make the code to be compiled in C by using the compound statement as for example

for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
    int a = 5;

though the compiler can issue a diagnostic message saying that the variable a is not used.

One more consequence that in C declarations are not statements. You may not place a label before a declaration in C. For example this program

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) 
    int n = 2;

    int x = n;

    printf( "x == %d\n", x );

    if ( --n ) goto L1; 

    return 0;

does not compile in C though it compiles as a C++ program. However if to place a null-statement after the label then the program does compile.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) 
    int n = 2;

    int x = n;

    printf( "x == %d\n", x );

    if ( --n ) goto L1; 

    return 0;

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