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How can I connect a Vue.js frontend with java backend?

I'm developing a project with a team in which we need to create a simple CRM. Some people recommended us Vue.js to create a great looking UI, but the problem is that with the team we mainly use java. So, we wanted to know if it's there a way in which we can connect a UI made with Vue.js with backend made in java. Any recommendations on how to do it? I've searched a bit and some articles say we can use java+tomcat to connect the Vue.js UI. We need to know if these kind of integration is possible before starting to spend time into making the UI in Vue.js if we can't connect it with our java backend.


I did an example of a project that integrates a java api (built with spring boot) and a vue.js frontend. It uses frontend-maven-plugin to build the frontend and copy it into the resources.

The source is in my github repo

Yes is possible, see this question

you will use your java application which is your "backend" as web service.

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