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How to open a file in the rdd having path to this file?

I am working with sentinel images data on apache spark using Scala. At some step I filter metadata that contains specific location and for those data I want to open new file located in subfolder.

Filter rdd contains key as path to file with globalmetadata and value as path to file which I would like to open.

var global_and_cloud=global_filter.map{case(name, positions_list, granule)=>
(name, (name.substring(0, name.length-14)+granule.substring(13,56)+"QI_DATA/MSK_CLOUDS_B00.gml"))}

The best I can do is

var global_and_cloud2=global_and_cloud.map{case(name, cloud_path)=>
(sc.wholeTextFiles(cloud_path).first._1, sc.wholeTextFiles(cloud_path).first._2)}

but it's throwing exeptions java.lang.NullPointerException when I want to take action on it,

and when I do


i get a content of file so it's exist

Is there any way to read a file inside rdd?

You can't use any of Spark's driver-side abstractions ( SparkSession , RDD , DataFrame etc.) within any function used to operate on an RDD's data (ie functions passed to RDD.map , RDD.filter etc.) - see full explanation here: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset .

You'll have to collect() the global_and_cloud RDD, which would create a local array (in driver application's memory) of file names, which you can then map into an Array of file names and the RDD holding that file's data, something like:

val files: Array[(String, String)] = global_and_cloud.collect()

// since "files" is a "local" array and not an RDD - we can use 
// "sc" when mapping its values:
val rdds: Array[(String, RDD[String])] = files.map {
  case(name, cloud_path) => (name, sc.textFile(cloud_path))

NOTE that if global_and_cloud is too large to be collected into local memory, this might cause slowness or OutOfMemoryError . But that would mean you're trying to "open" millions of files, which would fail anyway (would require too much Driver memory to hold that many RDDs).

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