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Path to application with spaces in package.json script

I am having problems with strings and spaces. when creating an alias for running a command in package.json (it fails becase cuts the command at the first space).

  "scripts": {
    "react-native-debugger:osx": "/Applications/React Native Debugger.app/Contents/MacOS/React Native Debugger"

I require this, to be able to automate starting the environment to develop react native apps, and escaping using \\ does not work.

I dont know if there is a better solution because the solution but the solution for me was to set the strings with spaces in single quotes ( ' )

  "scripts": {
    "react-native-debugger:osx": "/Applications/'React Native Debugger.app'/Contents/MacOS/'React Native Debugger'"
  "scripts": {
    "test": ".\\\"node modules\"\\.bin\\\"some folder\"\\protractor conf.js"

use back slash and double quotes for windows.

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