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eslint destructuring coming as undefined

I have a component and corresponding actions and reducers for it. In actions, when I am doing the API call, I make the call like this

    export const getData = () => {
     return axios.post(url, data, headers){
                  const messages = response.data.map({has_favourited_message: isFavourited}) //I am doing this since ESLINT throws errors
    return messages;

In the component, I am using it like this

class ProductView extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { page: 0, imageUrls: [], isFavourited: props.product.isFavourited || props.product['has_favourited_message']
  return null;

In the reducer, I have

case GET_DATA:
      return {
        data: state.data.map((item) => {
          if (item.id !== action.payload.id) return item;
          return { ...state, ...item, has_favourited_message: action.payload.isFavourited }; //Here I don't want to add any extra key so I am using the original key only as I am dispatch the above action to multiple reducers so it would become inconsistent if I change the key

I am using props.product.isFavourited || props.product.'has_favourited_message' props.product.isFavourited || props.product.'has_favourited_message' because ES-Lint won't allow me to use like this ------ props.product['has_favourited_message'] . I believe that there is a better way of doing this without changing the key in reducer or adding comment eslint-disable-line.

I am new to desructuring. Please help.

You can always check if property is present or not by hasOwnProperty('property1') Later you can use

props.product.hasOwnProperty('has_favourited_message') ?props.product.has_favourited_message : 'There is no favourited message' 

I hope i would help

You map function syntax is incorrect, you need a wrapping () before destructuring map arguments

     const messages = response.data.map(({has_favourited_message: isFavourited}) => ({isFavourited})
     return messages;

Also instead of props.product.'has_favourited_message' , you should write props.product.has_favourited_message since props.product.'has_favourited_message' is an invalid syntax

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