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Using (*) in Where command in PowerShell

I am Using this command to get a Local User in Administrators group, and it works

Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Groupuser -ComputerName $computer |? {$_.groupcomponent -like '*"Administrators"' -and $_.Partcomponent -like '*"User"'}|ft groupcomponent,Partcomponent

But now i want to use variable like this $Group="Administrators" $Account="users"

Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Groupuser -ComputerName $computer |? {$_.groupcomponent -like *$Group -and $_.Partcomponent -like *$Account}|ft groupcomponent,Partcomponent

but i get nothing back

If the group name is "Administrators" you do not need to use a wildcard. The asterisk will match one or more characters. For example:

"Administrator*" matches Administrator, Administators, "Administrator Groups", etc

"*Administrators" matches Administrators, "Windows Administrators", etc

"*Administrator*" matches Administrators, "Administrator Groups", "Windows Administrators", etc

For the second command you can use a sub-expression to expand the variable.

Where-Object { $_.groupcomponent -like "*$($Group)*" }

This is a working example:

$Group = '"Administrators"'
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Groupuser -ComputerName $computer |? {$_.groupcomponent -like "*$Group"}

The same can be adapted for $_.partcomponent .

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