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decltype with deleted constructor is possible in template function

As I know decltype is not allowed to use deleted constructor:

struct no_def
    no_def() = delete;

void test()
    decltype(no_def()) a{}; //error: use of deleted function ‘no_def::no_def()’

but if I make template "test" function it will compile

void test()
    decltype(no_def()) a{}; //OK

and it also

void test()
    decltype(no_def("not", "defined", "constructor")) a{}; //OK

could someone explain it?

It's apparently a bug in GCC. Both the latest Clang and the latest Visual C++ correctly print a diagnostic message.


error: call to deleted constructor of 'no_def'

Visual C++:

error C2280: 'no_def::no_def(void)': attempting to reference a deleted function

You can test this for yourself at https://godbolt.org/ .

Note that in order to verify the bug, you should simplify the template, call the function, and get rid of unused-variable warnings which interfere with the output you are interested in:

struct no_def
    no_def() = delete;

template<typename T>
void test()
    decltype(no_def()) a{}; // error in Clang and MSVC, no error in GCC
    a = a; // get rid of warning

int main()

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