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node prevent accidentally calling async function without await

Is there a node or vscode feature that will keep me from accidentally forgetting to call my async functions with await? I've done this a few times and it always costs me hours of bug-hunting.

There is an ESlint rule which warns for async functions which have no await expression.

EDIT: You need to create '.eslintrc.json' file and add some rules to it. If you installed ESLint globally, you ca do it by running eslint --init . You can find more information in the vscode plugin github repo .

The availabe rules related to async/await are:

  • no-await-in-loop - disallow await inside of loops
  • no-return-await - disallow unnecessary return await
  • require-await - disallow async functions which have no await expression

You can find more about ESLint and available rules on the official documentation page .

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