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Aurelia - Value input depend on another input

I have 2 inputs like this:


  <textarea name="" value.bind="item.input1" placeholder=""></textarea>

  <textarea name="" value.bind="item.input2" placeholder=""></textarea>


import { MyModel } from '../models/mymodel';
export class MyApp {
    constructor() {

    item: MyModel;

    activate(dto: MyModel) {
        this.item = new MyModel();



I want that when I type text in Input1 , Input2 will bind to the value from Input1 , but when I delete text in Input1 , the value in Input2 will not change.

For example:

I type Hello World in Input1 => Input2 value will be: Hello World .

If I change the Input1 value to: Hello => Input2 value will still be: Hello World

You can observe your first input for changes and update the other input if the value got changed to something longer like this:

import { observable } from "aurelia-binding";

export class MyModel {
  public input1: string;
  public input2: string;

  public input1Changed(newValue, oldValue) {
    if (!oldValue || (newValue && newValue.length > oldValue.length)) {
      this.input2 = newValue;

Using the observable decorator, and a convention-named method input1Changed ( [property]Changed ), you can listen for changes and use the old and new values as you please.

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