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input name depend in array index - cannot get value

input name depended in the index in array in this way:

<div id="editAboutSantences<%=i%>" class="edit-container">
       <div class="input-container">
          <label> content: </label>
          <input type="text" name="inputAboutSentences<%=i%>" id="inputAboutSentences<%=i%>" value="<%= digitalCard.about.sentences[i].content %>">
<% } %>

in the controller I try to get access to this input like this:

for (let i = 0; i < digitalCard.digitalCard.about.sentences.length; i++) {
    const sentence = digitalCard.digitalCard.about.sentences[i];
    sentence.content = req.body.inputAboutSentences+i;
    console.log('inputAboutSentences0 = '+req.body.inputAboutSentences+i);

the input:

inputAboutSentences0 = undefined0

this is don't work because req.body.inputAboutSentences0 is object, I worked in this way in all the project and now i stuck. Ideas how to solve this ?

You can access inputAboutSentences* property like:

sentence.content = req.body[`inputAboutSentences${i}`];


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