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Saving RDD's in for loop in scala

I have a for loop in which i end up with a RDD for every iteration, which i want to save for later use. What is the most efficient way to save and access these RDDs?

Thanks for the help in advance!

Samplecode, without RDD and spark specifics:

scala> val res = (for (i <- (1 to 10);
     |  j=2*i;
     |  k= s"i: $i j: $j") yield k)
res: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[String] = Vector(i: 1 j: 2, i: 2 j: 4, i: 3 j: 6, i: 4 j: 8, i: 5 j: 10, i: 6 j: 12, i: 7 j: 14, i: 8 j: 16, i: 9 j: 18, i: 10 j: 20)

scala> res(0)
res201: String = i: 1 j: 2

scala> res(1)
res202: String = i: 2 j: 4

So just yield your RDDs, and collect them in a Seq for universal later usage.

You may as well yield multiple vals

yield (i, j, k)

and deconstruct the tupleN later, filter it, group, and so on.

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