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How to set the generated sources as target bytecode 1.7 when using jooq-codegen-maven

I use JOOQ to implement MySQL DAO layer. And my part of pom.xml is as below,



            <!-- The plugin should hook into the generate goal -->

            <dependencies />




                        <mainClass />

I got the jar file by mvn package . But when I run the jar file, the error occurs:

java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/jooq/Table : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0    

I learned that I could update my running JDK version to a higher one, or compile the jooq generated classes with a lower version. Here I have to choose the latter method. But the result didn't meet my expectation after I set the target of maven-compiler-plugin to 1.7. I am confused since I still get this error. So how can I achieve my goal?

version 52.0 is java 8, therefore i think you need to change the value in

< maven.compiler.source>1.8< /maven.compiler.source>

< maven.compiler.target>1.8< /maven.compiler.target>

or perhaps you could find a newer version of JOOQ that supports java 1.8?

The jOOQ Open Source Edition version 3.7+ requires Java 8 to run. If you need Java 7 support, that is provided by the jOOQ Professional Edition and jOOQ Enterprise Edition. See version support here: https://www.jooq.org/download/versions

In particular, you have defined Maven properties that point to the JDK 8:


But you're not using them in your compiler plugin configuration. You should switch this:


To this:


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