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drupal 7 - getting webform submissions that falls between 2 date

webform_get_submissions() in Drupal 7 return all the Webform submissions, the problem is that I want to return the submission that falls between 2 date

ex: get webform submissions that have been submitted between 16 April 2018 and 28 April 2018.

Let me share a workaround that I came up with, maybe it will help you to find a full-size solution.

You actually can use a filter in the function webform_get_submissions not only by nid or sid but apparently by any other field. In this case, there is possible to use a filter by a field named submitted :

$submissions = webform_get_submissions(array('nid' => $node->nid, "submitted" => "1503753434"));

It will result in recieiving a submission which field submitted is exactly equal to 1503753434 . To get all submissions which are, for example, newer than 1503753434 one way is inside a file includes/webform.submissions.inc for the function webform_get_submissions_query change this part:

foreach ($filters as $column => $value) {
  $pager_query->condition($column, $value);

to this part:

foreach ($filters as $column => $value) {
  if ($column == "submitted") {
    $pager_query->condition($column, $value, ">");
  } else {
    $pager_query->condition($column, $value);

This would result in getting submissions which are newer than 1503753434 . By analogy we can add < filter or any other filters.

The problem with this workaround is that it requires to change a source file of Drupal and also it requires implementing a simple parsing by hand in case we want to have several conditions for one field name.

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