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Generic parameter 'S' could not be inferred

So I'm trying to make a small dependency injection container using generics and protocol conformance. However i'm having some trouble compiling it.

I wonder if there is a swift expert that can tell me what the problem is.

import Foundation

protocol Service: NSObjectProtocol {

protocol ServicesType {
    func add<S: Service>(service: S.Type)
    func get<S: Service>() throws -> S

class Services: ServicesType {

    var services: [Service.Type] = []

    func add<S: Service>(service: S.Type) {
        if services.contains(where: { service -> Bool in return service == service }) { return }

    func get<S: Service>() throws -> S {
        guard let first = services.first(where: { service -> Bool in return service == service }) else { throw ServicesTypeError.notFound }
        return first.init() as! S

enum ServicesTypeError: Error {
    case notFound

Generic parameter 'S' could not be inferred is the error message when i try to compile the line below

let creditCardService: CreditCardServiceType = try self.services.get()

protocol CreditCardServiceType : Service {
    var cards: [CreditCard] { get }
class CreditCardService: CreditCardServiceType {
    internal required init() {}
    var cards: [CreditCard] = []

It took a little modification to get this working in a Playground, but this seems to work.

If I'm right (in bold),

let creditCardService: **CreditCardServiceType** = try self.services.get()

Needs to be:

let creditCardService: **CreditCardService** = try self.services.get()

Full code:

import Foundation

protocol Service: NSObjectProtocol {

protocol ServicesType {
    func add<S: Service>(service: S.Type)
    func get<S: Service>() throws -> S

class Services: ServicesType {

    var services: [Service.Type] = []

    func add<S: Service>(service: S.Type) {
        if services.contains(where: { service -> Bool in return service == service }) { return }

    func get<S: Service>() throws -> S {
        guard let first = services.first(where: { service -> Bool in return service == service }) else { throw ServicesTypeError.notFound }
        return first.init() as! S

enum ServicesTypeError: Error {
    case notFound

class CreditCard {


protocol CreditCardServiceType : Service {
    var cards: [CreditCard] { get }

class CreditCardService: NSObject, CreditCardServiceType {

    required override init() {
    var cards: [CreditCard] = []

let services = Services()
services.add(service: CreditCardService.self)

let creditCardService: CreditCardService = try services.get()

Ok what i ended up with is the following. Not as type safe as i wanted but good enough.

import Foundation

protocol Service: NSObjectProtocol {

protocol ServicesType {

    func add<S: Service>(service: S.Type) throws
    func get<S>() throws -> S


class Services: ServicesType {

    var services: [Service.Type] = []

    func add<S: Service>(service: S.Type) throws {
        if services.contains(where: { existing -> Bool in return existing == service }) { throw ServicesTypeError.allReadyAdded}

    func get<S>() throws -> S {
        guard let first = services.first(where: { existing -> Bool in return existing is S }) else { throw ServicesTypeError.notFound }
        return first.init() as! S


enum ServicesTypeError: Error {
    case allReadyAdded
    case notFound


try self.services.add(service: ProfileService.self)
let profileService: ProfileServiceType = try self.services.get()

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