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Passing constructor as a parameter to a method

I am new to java and started working on constructors. I am seeing few examples where constructor is passed as parameter to a Method. Please tell me what happens when a constructor is passed as a parameter to a method..or suggest me some links where can i get enough knowledge about using constructors

Depending on the purpose why do you need to pass the constructor you may consider passing the instance of Supplier instead (JavaDoc - https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/function/Supplier.html ). For example you have a method which suppose to create an account and fill everything in it. You can make this method to accept Supplier as a parameter:

public Account createNewAccount(Supplier<Account> accountConstructor) {
    var account = accountConstructor.get();
    return account;

And after that pass constructor to this method either using lambda:

createNewAccount(() -> new UserAccount());

Or using method reference:


Both variants are working.

Constructors can be passed as arugments to methods using a method reference, somewhat like a function pointer in C++.

See: http://www.baeldung.com/java-8-double-colon-operator

This can be a Function type with one argument or a BiFunction type with two arguments, either way its a lambda returning a class of the type it constructs.

Like Turing85 said though I don't think this is what you want. Passing constructors as parameters is a pretty niche use case. If you just want information on constructors,


Here is an example class that holds two constructors as instance variables and invokes one of them when the constructItem method is called. The first constructor is stored as a Supplier that returns an object of type S and the second takes a Function that takes type T and returns type S .

public class ConstructorWrapper<T, S> {

    private final Supplier<S> construct;
    private final Function<T, S> constructFromObject;

    public ConstructorWrapper(Supplier<S> constructWithNothing, Function<T, S> constructWithObject) {
        this.construct = constructWithNothing;
        this.constructFromObject = constructWithObject;

    public S constructItem(T k) {
        if (k != null) return this.construct.get();
        else return constructFromObject.apply(k);

We can use the class like this to wrap creation of ArrayLists from Sets. x is created by invoking the constructor with no parameters and y is created by invoking the constructor with one parameter.

ConstructorWrapper<Set, ArrayList> setToArrayList = new ConstructorWrapper<>(ArrayList::new, ArrayList::new);
ArrayList x = setToArrayList.constructItem(null);
ArrayList y = setToArrayList.constructItem(new HashSet<>());

Or like this to wrap creation of Sets from ArrayLists:

ConstructorWrapper<ArrayList, HashSet> arrayListsToSets = new ConstructorWrapper<>(HashSet::new, HashSet::new);
HashSet x = arrayListsToSets.constructItem(null);
HashSet y = arrayListsToSets.constructItem(new ArrayList<>());

I used raw ArrayLists and Sets because I didn't want to clutter the code with more generics

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