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.NET Core Authorization - Constant 403 on JWT Bearer

I'm attempting to authorize requests to my API which bear a JWT token attached to it, however, none of the tutorials, blog posts, and documentation have helped avoiding a constant 403 - Unauthorized error.

This is the -skimmed- current configuration:

Class which generates the token: TokenManagement.cs :

// Add the claims to the token
var claims = new[] {
    new Claim(JwtRegisteredClaimNames.Sub, credentials.Username),
    new Claim(JwtRegisteredClaimNames.Jti, Guid.NewGuid().ToString()),
    new Claim("claimName", "claimValue")

Configuring the services: Startup.cs - ConfigureServices() :

services.Configure<GzipCompressionProviderOptions>(options => options.Level = System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel.Optimal);

    .AddJwtBearer(config => {
        config.RequireHttpsMetadata = false;
        config.SaveToken = true;
        config.TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters()
            ValidIssuer = "Issuer",
            ValidAudience = "Audience",
            IssuerSigningKey = new SymmetricSecurityKey(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(symmetricKey))

services.AddAuthorization(options => {
    options.AddPolicy("myCustomPolicy", policy => {
        policy.RequireClaim("claimName", "claimValue");


General Configuration: Startup.cs - Configure() :


app.Use(async (context, next) => {
    await next();

    if (context.Response.StatusCode == 404 &&
        !Path.HasExtension(context.Request.Path.Value)) {
        context.Request.Path = "/index.html";
        await next();




Controller which should be authorized: ActionsController.cs :

[Authorize(Policy = "myCustomPolicy")]
public class ActionsController : Controller

Any request I send to the server (which carries a JWT token with the proper claim), returns as a 403 .

Any methods which have the [AllowAnonymous] attribute, work just fine.

Is there a way to -at least- debug and see what's going on?

I found out that some claim types changed to different values from my identity server config.

for example , In my Identity Server i am using role claim type:

  UserClaims = new []
     JwtClaimTypes.Role , user.role // "JwtClaimTypes.Role" yield "role"

But when i debuged my web api , the role claim type has changed to (see my snapshot below, under watch section):



To "workaround" (is this desired behavior?) the issue, you need to check your claim type value are planning use in web api, and use the correct claim type value in your policy.

 services.AddAuthorization(options =>
    options.AddPolicy("RequireAdmin", policy =>
       //policy.RequireClaim(IdentityModel.JwtClaimTypes.Role, "Admin"); // this doesn't work
       policy.RequireClaim(ClaimTypes.Role, "Admin"); //  this work

my web api debug snapshot:


Try to enable CORS in Startup.cs File

public void ConfigureAuth(IAppBuilder app) {
    // Rest of code

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