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Concatenate object's properties of variable length of a C# object into a new property of the object

Having this problem solved in JavaScript, I'm trying to do the same using C# for a C# object, not a JSON.

Basically, the JS solving looks like this:

myObject.myObject.forEach(arr => {
 arr.prop = arr.parameters.reduce((res,obj)=> res+obj.special, '')

so I tried to do it like:

foreach (array arr in myObject.myObject)
    arr.prop = arr.parameters.reduce();

I didn't find any function like the JS reduce in C#.

Do you have any suggestions how to solve this?

You could do this by first getting all fields or Properties from an object via Reflection

var fields = myObject.GetType().GetFields();

then you pull all current values from those fields and make strings of it

var values = fields.Select(e => e.GetValue(myObject)?.ToString());

and after that, just aggregate the values

var allFieldsInOne = values.Aggregate((e,f) => e + f);

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