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Returning relevant value from another array in PowerShell

I have two arrays filled with strings that are relational. I need to pull back the value from array 2 whilst iterating through array 1 in a foreach loop. How your i Achieve this? Here is my code:

$contracts = @("xytt"

$labels = @("London contract"
            "Dubai contract"
            "Glasgow contract")

foreach ($contract in $contracts){
#Do stuff with $contract
#Return label associated to contract object

You could use for loop and an index variable instead of foreach :

for ($i=0; $i -lt $contracts.Length; $i++) {
    $contract = $contracts[$i]
    $label = $labels[$i]
    Write-Host "$contract : $label"

I agree with EBGreen, a hash table is more suited to the task.

Similarly to Janne Tuukkanen's script this one uses an index,
but based on a normal ForEach.

ForEach ($contract in $contracts){
    "{0} - {1}" -f $contract, $labels[$contracts.IndexOf($contract)]

Sample output:

xytt - London contract
deff - Dubai contract
mnoo - Glasgow contract

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