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How to access request parameters in a view and iterate over hash in ruby on rails

I am trying to access the requests parameters submitted over the form in a view and iterate over the hash values.

My definition in a view:

def show
  @final =final_params

My Request parameters:

def final_params
  params.permit(:Name, :Address, :MobileNumber, :"City")

My view:

<%= @final.each { |key, value| puts "#{key} #{value}" } %>

In my Show view it gives an empty array: enter image description here

Using console I see the data in forms data section:

.utf8: ✓
authenticity_token: Lxkt/WUyAqFvlLXcP7YsQY3PjhQ9yJFosByJwAfYRyoZseC4gaZj4J8cC4EJs/LLGBIMypbggpajmtCH3um2dA==
final[Name]: Test
final[Address]: Hyd
final[MobileNumber]: 8456213254
final[City]: Del
commit: Submit

Get rid of puts in your view, it's not needed.

<% @final.keys.each do |key| %>
  key: <%= key %> <br/>
  value: <%= @final[key] %>
<% end %>

Or you can probably just do

<%= @final.inspect %>

If that's still empty then no params are being passed to your controller action. To sure add this in your controller and look at the logs:

def show
  @final = final_params
  puts "Final Params are set to: #{@final.inspect}" # or logger debug if puts doesn't output anything to your log
  logger.debug  "Final Params are set to: #{@final.inspect}"

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