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Jersey Test + HK2 + Inject Factory service

I am trying to inject a object provided by HK2 Factory service in a Jersey Test Class but getting unsatisfied dependencies exception.

I have a factory service as below

    public class TestFactory implements Factory<TestObject>{

        private final CloseableService closeService;

        public TestFactory(CloseableService closeService) {
            this.closeService = closeService;

        public TestObject provide() {
            TestObject casualObject = new TestObject();
            this.closeService.add(() -> dispose(casualObject));
            return casualObject;

        public void dispose(TestObject instance) {

And a Jersey Test class

    public class SampleTestCass extends JerseyTestNg.ContainerPerClassTest

      private TestObject myTestObject;

      private ServiceLocator locator;

        protected Application configure()
            ResourceConfig resConfig = new ResourceConfig(MyApi.class);
            locator = setupHK2(getBinder());

            return resConfig;

        // setup local hk2
        public setupHK2(AbstractBinder binder) 
            ServiceLocatorFactory factory = ServiceLocatorFactory.getInstance();
            ServiceLocator locator = factory.create("test-locator");

            DynamicConfigurationService dcs = locator.getService(DynamicConfigurationService.class);
            DynamicConfiguration dc = dcs.createDynamicConfiguration();

            return locator;

        // get the binder
        public AbstractBinder getBinder()
        return new AbstractBinder() {
                protected void configure() {
                    bindFactory(TestFactory.class, Singleton.class).to(TestObject.class).in(PerLookup.class);


        public void beforeClass()
            myTestObject = locator.getService(TestObject.class);

            // use myTestObject

        public void afterClass()
            if (locator != null) {

        public void someTest()
            // some test code...


And getting below exceptions

A MultiException has 3 exceptions. They are:

  1. org.glassfish.hk2.api.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: There was no object available for injection at SystemInjecteeImpl(requiredType=CloseableService,parent=TestFactory,qualifiers={},position=0,optional=false,self=false,unqualified=null,2053349061)
  2. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: While attempting to resolve the dependencies of com.test.factories.TestFactory errors were found
  3. java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to perform operation: resolve on com.test.factories.TestFactory

CloseableService is a service available within a Jersey application. The ServiceLocator you created is not tied to the Jersey application. It is just a standalone locator. So trying to register the TestFactory with this locator will cause it to fail, as there is no CloseableService . The one that you registered with the ResourceConfig will work just fine.

Not sure what exactly you're trying to do, but if you want access to the service inside the test, one thing you can do is just bind the service as an instance, something like

class MyTest {
    private Service service;

    public ResourceConfig configure() {
        service = new Service();
        return new ResourceConfig()
            .register(new AbstractBinder() {
                public void configure() {

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