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Retriving data from firebase web

I am trying to fetch the data for website using java script. Problem I am getting is that I am unable to get the key of Users-->history-->location-->from-->(lat,lng). I am unable to find a syntax of it.


Code I am trying is

   var ref = firebase.database().ref("history/" + keys  +"/location/from");


function gotDataa(data){
    var from = data.val();
    var keys=Object.keys(from);
    for(var i=0 ; i<keys.length;i++)
        var k=keys[i];
        var name = from[k].customer;
        var phone = from[k].driver;

        $('ul').append( '<li>' + name +" : " + phone+ '</li>' );


This should print the lat and lng of each item in the history:

var ref = firebase.database().ref("history/");


function gotDataa(data){
  data.forEach(function(child) {
    var from = data.val().location.from;

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