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RestSharp not using Proxy (Fiddler) in .NET Core 2.0

I've got a .NET Core 2.0 Console application that I would like to debug with Fiddler , or more precise, the REST request made by RestSharp .

It seems that RestSharp does not take my proxy settings, no matter if it's the system proxy, or a proxy explicitly set.

RestSharp version: 106.2.2 (latest as of this writing)

static void Main(string[] args)
    var proxy = new WebProxy("some_non_existing_server", 8888) {BypassProxyOnLocal = false};
    var restSharpClient = new RestClient("http://www.google.ch");
    restSharpClient.Proxy = proxy;
    var request = new RestRequest("/", Method.GET);
    var result = restSharpClient.Execute(request);

    if (!result.IsSuccessful ||
        result.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK ||
        result.ErrorException != null)
        throw new Exception("Unexpected response.");

    Console.WriteLine("Request successful.");

Expected result: Exception (because proxy server does not exist)

Actual result: Request successful

I can see others having difficulties with this as well, but usually the solution involved setting the proxy explicitly like I do in the code above.

Any pointers on getting this to work?

(if it matters, I'm executing this on Windows 10 x64 with dotnet.exe <dll name> )

λ dotnet --info                                                  
.NET Command Line Tools (2.1.105)                                

Product Information:                                             
 Version:            2.1.105                                     
 Commit SHA-1 hash:  141cc8d976                                  

Runtime Environment:                                             
 OS Name:     Windows                                            
 OS Version:  10.0.17134                                         
 OS Platform: Windows                                            
 RID:         win10-x64                                          
 Base Path:   C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\2.1.105\               

Microsoft .NET Core Shared Framework Host                        

  Version  : 2.0.7                                               
  Build    : 2d61d0b043915bc948ebf98836fefe9ba942be11    

Turns out this was a bug, which I have fixed upstream with a Pull request .

It is already merged and I guess it will be included in versions of RestSharp after 106.2.2 . So either compile it yourself from GitHub if it is not yet released to NuGet, or use a NuGet version later than 106.2.2

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