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Iterate through a map of std::variant

I'm experimenting with C++17's std::variant to store data of multiple types in a map. The use-case here is to have a map of controllers of generic types (but bound by std::variant ) that I can iterate through and call methods of. In below example,

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <variant>

class ControlA {
    void specificToA() { std::cout << "A" << std::endl; }

class ControlB {
    void specificToB() { std::cout << "B" << std::endl; }

template<typename T>
class ControlItem{
    T* control;

    ControlItem() = default;
    ~ControlItem() = default;

    void doStuff() {
        if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, ControlA>) {
        if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, ControlB>) {

class MyClass {
    void cycleThroughMap();
    std::map<std::string, std::variant<ControlItem<ControlA>, ControlItem<ControlB>>> controlMap;

The heuristic method for this would be to get the mapped value of each declared type like:

void MyClass::cycleThroughMap() {
    for (auto controlItem : controlMap) {
        if (auto control = std::get_if<ControlItem<ControlA>>(&controlItem.second)) {
         } else if (auto control = std::get_if<ControlItem<ControlB>>(&controlItem.second)) {
         } else
            std::cout << "Unknown type!" << std::endl;

This works but feels like it's not meant to exist.
Can std::variant be used for this? Is it a bad idea from the start, should I use inheritance and voilà?

Can std::variant be used for this?

Yes. Your code is primed for using a variant effectively. The variant holds types with the same implicit interface. It's a perfect opportunity to use std::visit with a generic lambda.

void MyClass::cycleThroughMap() {
    for (auto& [ key, control ] : controlMap) {
        std::visit([](auto&& c) {
        }, control);

I also took the liberty of replacing the pair access with a structured binding. For some added simplicity.

Another way to structure the code - removes the need for get_if. Comments inline:

#include <map>
#include <variant>
#include <iostream>

class ControlA {
    void specificToA() { std::cout << "A" << std::endl; }

// consistent free-function interface for each operation type allows ADL lookup
void adlDoStuff(ControlA& c)
    // but with different implementation details

class ControlB {
    void specificToB() { std::cout << "B" << std::endl; }

// consistent free-function interface for each operation type allows ADL lookup
void adlDoStuff(ControlB& c)
    // but with different implementation details

template<typename T>
class ControlItem{
    T* control;

    ControlItem() = default;
    ~ControlItem() = default;

    void doStuff() {
        // invoke the adl-friendly free functions.

class MyClass {
    void cycleThroughMap();
    std::map<std::string, std::variant<ControlItem<ControlA>, ControlItem<ControlB>>> controlMap;

void MyClass::cycleThroughMap() {
    // use std::visit. Every type of control will have the .doStuff interface
    for (auto&& elem : controlMap) {
        std::visit([](auto&& control)
        }, elem.second);

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