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How to open chrome-extension in new tab by default

How to open chrome-extension in new tab by default? Not in the new pop-up as like the present time.
I have the:

    "background": {
            "scripts": ["js/background.js"],
            "persistent": false
    "browser_action": {
            "default_title": "Test Viewer v.1.0",
            "default_icon": "icon.png",
            "default_popup": "index.html"
    "permissions": [


        url: ("index.html"),
        type: "normal"

In the docs https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/windows this type is specified as type: "normal" which open the "normal browser window" as I wish, but it doesn't work. Where is error?

Get rid of default_popup . The presence of this attribute declaratively means you want to open your extension's popup when clicked.

As long as the browser_action section is present at all, you can use the chrome.browserAction.onClicked event to run your handler.

1) I have deleted default_popup property in manifest.json by advice @Josh Lee and 2) use this code in background.js :

        'url': chrome.runtime.getURL("index.html#window")

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