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Spring boot mocked object returning null on call

I am using @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) to writing unit test case to mock the object. I am trying to mock the repository instance which is accepting request object and returning response, but in unit test case implementation I have mocked the repository using @MockBean annotation and register the it's method call using Mockito.when(respository.post(request)).thenReturn(response) . But this call is returning null .

I faced similar situation, the problem is given parameter in Mockito.when() block may not be the same as spring generated. I'll explain my case below, hope to help you:

Product product = new Product(..);

When I send a request, spring generates new Project object which has same fields with product but instance is different. That is, Mockito cannot catch when statement. I changed it like below and it's worked:


I figured it out. But the solution is still weird to me...

I was facing this issue because, I was instantiating the request and response in @Before annotated method... as describing below.

public void setup() {
    Request reqA = new Request();

    Response res = new Response();


public void test() {

    // Creating Request instance again with all same properties. 
    // Such that this req instance is technically similarly as instantiated in @Before annotated method (above). 
    // By, implementing the equals and hashCode method.
    Request reqB = new Request();

    // Getting res as 'null' here....
    Response res = this.service.post(reqB);

Since, reqA and reqB are technically similar then why mocked call not returning the same response as registered.

If I moved setup() method code inside test() method every thing starts working !!!!!

I had the same issue here, vsk.rahul's comment helped me a lot.
I was trying to to use a method to return a mock interaction, but not succeeded, turning it into a static method gave me the expected behavior.

Problem :
The method bar.foo() was returning null for any interaction

public void test1() {

private String mockReturn() {
    return "abc";

Solution :
The method bar.foo() is returning abc String for any interaction

public void test1() {

private static String mockReturn() {
    return "abc";

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