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CakePhp: Got erros in response body when calling an API with the CakePHP HttpClient

I'm having some HTML text in my response from an API.

Response I got


Preview's response


Here is my code (PHP):

    public function getBeatmapInformations() {
        $url = $_GET['beatmapUrl'];
        $isOsuUrlBeatmap = "#^(?:https://)?osu\.ppy\.sh/(?:b|beatmapsets)/(\d*)#";
        if(preg_match($isOsuUrlBeatmap, $url, $matches)){
            $OSU_API_KEY = "MY_API_KEY";
            $httpClient = new Client();
            $response = $httpClient->get('https://osu.ppy.sh/api/get_beatmaps', [
                    's' => intval($matches[1]),
                    'k' => $OSU_API_KEY
            $result = $response->body();
                echo $result;

Javascript side (AJAX request):

function launchAjaxRequest(beatMapUrl) {
let url = beatMapUrl.replace(/['"]+/g, '');
    type : "GET",
    url: '/ofv/getBeatmapInformations',
    data: {
        beatmapUrl : url,
    success: function(data){

You should not manually echo anything in your controllers actions in CakePHP. The way to achieve json output in CakePHP is to use Data Views with Request Handler:

1.Enable Request Handler in your controller's initialize() method:

public function initialize(){

2.In your action, set your data to be serialized:

$result = $response->body();
$this->set("_serialize", "result");

More about Request Handler and Data Views can be found in docs: JSON and XML views

As probably someone will point it out, you have also an alternative here: you can simply stop execution of script right after echoing data with die(). But it is not the Cake way of handling this.

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