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How can I get the data from table1 which is not inside table2? CodeIgniter

I want to produce a dropdown of choices from table1. But if the data is existing in table2 I will not include it in the choices. I'm aware about the outer excluding join but I can't implement it in CodeIgniter. Do I have other choice rather than implementing the Outer Excluding Join in CodeIgniter? I'm currently using CodeIgniter3. This is my code so far. I'm trying to get the items in the inventory table which is not in the inven_trans table.

        ->join('inven_trans', 'inventory.brand = inven_trans.brand', 'inner')
        ->where("NOT EXISTS( SELECT brand FROM inven_trans WHERE inventory.brand = inven_trans.brand)");


  • invenID
  • brand
  • quantity
  • product_num


  • intransID
  • invenID
  • brand
  • datereleased
  • datereturned

EDIT The code is working now although after adding another where clause it seems like it is not functioning (the where clause). This question is now closed but if someone is willing to help me I'll gladly accept it. The code is this

$data = $this->db
    ->where("brand NOT IN (SELECT brand FROM ha_inventory_trans WHERE date_returned != '00 00 0000')", NULL, FALSE)

I want to output the list of brand that has not been returned( date_returned is NULL or 0000 00 00)

The only efficient way to really do it is by using JOIN. Check out Codeigniter docs for how to use it if you're unsure...

Did you try to use sub-queries:

FROM inventory
WHERE brand NOT IN (SELECT brand
                    FROM inven_trans
                    WHERE date_returned <> '0000-00-00')

Or using CI's active record:

  ->where("brand NOT IN (SELECT brand FROM inven_trans WHERE date_returned <> '0000-00-00')", NULL, FALSE)


$CustomQry = "SELECT brand FROM inventory INNER JOIN inven_trans ON (inventory.brand = inven_trans.brand) WHERE inventory.brand NOT IN (SELECT brand FROM inven_trans)"; $result = $this->db->query($CustomQry);

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