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How do I pass multiple variables through a URL in Javascript


First question here and trying to teach myself js and jquery, please forgive (or correct) any errors in nomenclature....

I am happily managing to pass through a variable from one page to another with this piece of code:

function openPage() {window.open('datapage_test.html?id=' + dataset[0].Var_Name)}

returns: file:///*path*/datapage_test.html?id=UK_Wakefield

When I try and extend this to pass multiple variables through I fail:

function openPage() {
    window.open('datapage_test.html?id=' + dataset[0].Var_Name + dataset[0].Var_Class + dataset[0].Var_Instance )

returns: file:///C:/*path*/datapage_test.html?id=WakefieldundefinedUK

All pointers gratefully received. J

Urls are configure like this:


This is your important part you are trying to do ?parameter=value&other=value

You can try something like this:

  function openPage() {window.open('datapage_test.html?id=' + dataset[0].Var_Name +'&val2=' + dataset[0].Var_Class +'&val3=' + dataset[0].Var_Instance )}

Hope this helps :)

Starting variables in urls is done with ? which is what you are doing, however, for variables after that, you use & . For example, if I have the variables cat = meow and dog = woof, you could do http://example.com/?cat=meow&dog=woof .

Also, might want to check dataset[0].Var_Class . Apparently it's undefined in your example.

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