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Convert nested json response to dataframe in Python pandas

I have the following JSON response.

     [{'b': 1,
       'c': 'ok',
               [{'1': '2',
                 '3': 4,
                 '5': 6}]},
      {'b': 11,
       'c': 'ok1',
               [{'1': '21',
                 '3': 41,
                 '5': 61},
                {'1': '211',
                 '3': '411'}]}],     

  'Id': 'd0',
  'col': 16}]

I want to normalize this to a dataframe in Python pandas. I know about json_normalize and have seen a couple of other SO posts on the same. However, mine seems to be more deeply nested than others and I am not able to get my head around it.

What I am expecting in my output is as follows:

a.b | a.c | a.result.1 | a.result.3 | a.result.5 |  Id  | col 
1   | ok  |    2       |      4     |      6     |  d0  |  16
11  | ok1 |    21      |      41    |      61    |  d0  |  16
11  | ok1 |    211     |      411   |      None  |  d0  |  16

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Stuck with this for more than a day now!

Thank you!!

From my experience, pandas doesn't have a good way to handle lists in dicts in lists too well. But you can handle just lists in dicts using the record_path argument in json_normalize . So, this is not pretty, & a rather brittle way of solving the problem... but here's a solution:

data = # That mess
frames = []

for entry in data:
    frame = json_normalize(
        meta=['b', 'c'], 

    frame['Id'] = entry['Id']
    frame['col'] = entry['col']

frame = pd.concat(frames)


  a.result.1 a.result.3  a.result.5  a.b  a.c  Id  col
0          2          4         6.0    1   ok  d0   16
1         21         41        61.0   11  ok1  d0   16
2        211        411         NaN   11  ok1  d0   16

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