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How to check if any one of the variable is greater than 0

How can I check if any of the variables is greater than 0 from given variable in Typescript?

How can I rewrite below code so that it's more elegant/concise?

  const a=0;
  const b=1;
  const c=0;
  const d=0;
  //Regular way would be as below. 
  //How can this use some library instead of doing comparison for each variable
  if(a>0 || b>0 || c>0 || d>0){
   return true;
  return false;


return [a, b, c, d].some(item => item > 0)

You can combine the && operator with the ternary operator like this:

(a && b && c && d > 0) ? true : false // will return true if all integers are more than 0

jsFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/AndrewL64/6bk1bs0w/

OR you can assign the variables to an array and use Array.prototype.every() like this:

let x = [a, b, c, d]

x.every(i => i > 0) // will return true if all integers are more than 0

jsFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/AndrewL64/6bk1bs0w/1/

OR to make the above even shorter, you can directly place the values in an array and use every on the array directly like this:

[0, 1, 0, 0].every(i => i > 0); // will return false since all integers are not more than 0

jsFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/AndrewL64/6bk1bs0w/3/

OR you can make a reusable function once and run it multiple times with just one line like this:

function moreThanOne(...args){
   // Insert any of the above approaches here but reference the variables/array with the word 'arg'

moreThanOne(3,1,2,0); // will return false as well as alert false

moreThanOne(3,1,2,4); // will return true as well as alert true

jsFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/AndrewL64/6bk1bs0w/2/

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