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Test a method which throws an exception using Junit

I am trying to write a test case for a method which throws an exception based on certain logic. However the test case fails as the expected exception and obtained exceptions are different.

Method to test -

public void methodA (//parameters) throws ExceptionA
certainlogic=//call some method
if (certainlogic)
throw new ExceptionA(//exception details)
//code snippet

Test method -

    @Test (expected=ExceptionA.class)
    public void testMethodA
    when (//mock method).thenReturn(true);
    //call methodA
    catch (ExceptionA e)

I am receiving the below error -

Unexpected exception, expected<cExceptionA> but was<java.lang.AssertionError>

How do I solve this issue?

You have to remove the catch in your test

@Test (expected=ExceptionA.class)
public void testMethod()
    when (//mock method).thenReturn(true);
    //call methodA

Otherwise you catch the ExceptionA and by calling fail you throw an AssertionError. Obviously the AssertionError is not an ExceptionA and therefore your test fails.

You should remove the try-catch block entirely or at least the catch. The "expected = ExceptionA.class" tells junit to monitor for thrown exceptions, catch them and compare their class against the given class. If you catch the thrown exception, the @Test-annotated junit method cannot detect if such an exception is thrown. By calling fail(...) you implicitly throw an AssertionError which junit detects and thus your test fails because AssertionError.class != ExceptionA.class

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