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Print non-managed Spring bean name

I have created one simple SpringBoot Application. There are two classes :

1) ManagedBean class

class ManagedBean
    public void fn()
        System.out.println("B doin nothing");

2) NonmangedBean : It has dependency of ManagedBean class

class NonmangedBean
    ManagedBean mb;

    public void fn()
        System.out.println("doin nothing");

There is third Service class which has Rest End points.

class Service
    AutowireCapableBeanFactory beanFactory;

    ApplicationContext applicationContext;

    public List<String> printBeans() 
        return Arrays.asList(applicationContext.getBeanDefinitionNames());

    public String processBean()
        NonmangedBean nb = new NonmangedBean();

        return "Success";

First I am calling /processBean endpoint which will crete Object of NonmangedBean class and autowires it. (Here my understading it that bean will live in Spring Container till i shutdown the server.)

After that I hit /getBeanNames endpoint to get all the bean names in Spring Container but I didn't find NonmangedBean in the list. I find ManagedBean in that list.

Questions :

1) Will this type of(NonmangedBean) autowired beans be stored in Spring Container? 2) Will this type of autowired beans die as soon as request process completed? 3) Am I doing anything wrong in printBeans method? Should I use anything else than applicationContext to get SpringBean lists? Open for your suggetions. Thanks in advance.

Here my understading it that bean will live in Spring Container till i shutdown the server

Your understanding is wrong it will die with the request ie the scope of the object is within that method( processBean ) only. The container will NOT manage your bean. Apart from that, there is no sense in using

@Autowired in your non managed bean. Since container doenn't manage it it will be null (unless you inject it using beanFactory.autowireBean(); ) and therefore answer to your question that if you can print any such bean using spring services is NO

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