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Copy 1 sql table to another with some additional data

I have this code:

$dbserver="..."; //adresa MySQL
$dblogin="...";       //jméno uživatele MySQL
$dbheslo="...";     //heslo MySQL
$dbnazev="...";      //název databáze MySQL
$mysqli = new mysqli($dbserver, $dblogin, $dbheslo, $dbnazev); 
if ($mysqli->connect_error) {
    die('Nepodařilo se připojit k MySQL serveru (' . $mysqli->connect_errno . ') '
            . $mysqli->connect_error);
$mysqli->query("SET NAMES 'utf8'"); // nastavíme kódování MySQL

while($row = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM `importovat_fyz` WHERE `tempid` IS NOT NULL")->fetch_assoc()){

$tempid = $row['tempid'];
$jmeno = $row['jmeno'];
$prijmeni = $row['prijmeni'];

$email = $row['email'];
$bydliste = $row['bydliste'];

$souhlas = "on";
$aktuality = "on";

$timestamp = time();
$hash = md5("77c0a83besxxxcg1a190ab90d".time().$tempid.rand(10000000, 99999999));

$poznamky = "import19052018";

$vloz ="INSERT into `potvrzenotest` set jmeno='".$jmeno."', prijmeni='".$prijmeni."', bydliste='".$bydliste."', email='".$email."', souhlas='".$souhlas."', aktuality='".$aktuality."', timestamp='".$timestamp."', hash='".$hash."', poznamky='".$poznamky."';";

$cas = date('H:i');
echo '['.$cas.'] ID '.$tempid.' imported.', PHP_EOL;

mysqli_close($mysqli); .

I have one table with some data and I have to copy it to another table with some additional data (like hash etc.).

When I run the code above, I got this:

[17:17] ID 1 imported.
[17:17] ID 1 imported.
[17:17] ID 1 imported.
[17:17] ID 1 imported.
[17:17] ID 1 imported.

So, only 1 row is being copied.

Could you please help me, where is the problem?

while($row = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM `importovat_fyz` WHERE `tempid` IS NOT NULL")->fetch_assoc()){ ... }

This loop will never end. And it will fetch the first row again and again.

You should execute the query outside the loop:

$selectResult = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM `importovat_fyz` WHERE `tempid` IS NOT NULL");

while ($row = $selectResult->fetch_assoc()) { ... }

As a side note: Consider to use a prepared statement for your INSERT statement in the loop. This will prevent SQL syntax errors if some of the values may contail special characters like ' . If you run them in one transaction , you might even improve the performance.

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