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How to get data from MySql relation table in Prisma

In datamodel.graphql

type Ride {
 rideId: String
 productId: String
 passenger: Passenger
 origin: Origin
 destination: Destination
 dateTime: DateTime
 feedback: String

type Passenger {
 id: ID! @unique
 firstName: String
 lastName: String

type Destination {
 # The unique ID of the destination.
 id: ID! @unique
 latitude: Float
 longitude: Float
 address: String

type Origin {
 id: ID! @unique
 latitude: Float
 longitude: Float
 address: String

type Report {

 productId: String
 passenger: Passenger
 description: String

I deployed this data model and generates a MySql Db, auto queries, mutations with this.

It creates a "Ride", "Passenger", "Report" and "Origin" table in MySql. But it didn't create any column for passenger, origin, destination in "Ride" table.

It separates creates a relation table for this like _PassengerToRide, _OriginToRide, and _DestinationToRide.

Lack of relation establishment in "Ride" table, I couldn't get the details from Passenger, Origin and Destination tables when I query "rides()". Is this the correct way to define the datamodel.graphql. (edited)

Based on your description, this query should "just work":

query {
  rides {
    passenger {
    origin {
    destination {

Prisma uses the relation table approach you mentioned to keep track if relations between two nodes, for example table _OriginToRide relates to relation @relation(name: "OriginToRide") from your datamodel.

You don't have to change anything on the SQL level to connect the relations afterwards.

Note: The above applies to Prisma database connectors with activated migrations . If your connector doesn't do migrations, different approaches to represent relations are supported. The respective datamodel to support this can be generated by introspecting your existing database schema.

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