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Can you use jsx within template string in React render props?

Is it possible to put JSX inside a template string that is being used as a React render prop?

This is what I'm trying to do, but it leads to the link rendering as [object Object]

const Container = ({ message }) => <div className="from line 4"> {message}</div>;
const Link = () => <a href="#">juan</a>;

const App = () => (
    <Container message={`My message with a ${<Link />}`} />

One thing I tried was to put JSX instead of a template string inside message . This works, but it introduces a new div that isn't needed.

  message={<div>My message {<Link />}</div>}

I made this codesandbox to illustrate the problem

You can use a Fragment to render inline like you are trying to do and to prevent adding a new wrapping <div /> :

const App = () => (
      message={<React.Fragment>My message with a <Link /></React.Fragment>}

Here is a forked version of your Codesandbox using React.Fragment : https://codesandbox.io/s/nrmr9l34vl

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