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CDI bean is not injected but can be looked up

So, I wrote an extension which registers bean I am trying to create. The bean gets scanned by CDI and I can get it using:

MyInterface myInterface = CDI.current().select(MyInterface.class).get();

And I can then access myInterface.myMethod();

However, when I try to inject my bean using:

MyInterface myInterface;

it is not injected and is null .

What I want to achieve is that I specify interface, which defines some methods,then my code generates instance of this interface and returns proxy of interface type:

// defined interface
interface MyInterface {
    void myMethod();

// usage in code:
MyInterface myInterface;

I declared my bean like this:

public class MyExtension implements Extension {
    public void register(@Observes @WithAnnotations(RegisterAsMyBean.class) ProcessAnnotatedType<?> aType) {
        Class<?> typeDef = aType.getAnnotatedType().getJavaClass();

        if(typeDef.isInterface()) {

public class BeanCreator implements Bean<Object> {
    public Object create(CreationalContext<Object> creationalContext) {
        // my instance building logic
    // ... other overriden methods

Also in META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension I put reference to MyExtension

The problem was in bean creation lifecycle - i was trying to create bean in processAnnotatedType cycle, while I should have done that during afterBeanDiscovery cycle.

After moving my bean creation logic to appropriate cycle the bean is created and properly injected.

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