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Django/django-taggit — How to access filtered tag name in template

I'm looking for the right syntax to access my tag name.

Here's my view:

def tag_filter(request, tag):
    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    concerts = Concert.objects.filter(tags__name__in=[tag])\
    return render(request, 'concerts/calendar.html', {'concerts': concerts})

This is indeed getting the data I want. I'd like to display the name of the tag in the header of my template, but this is where I'm running into a snag. I'm trying this:

  {% elif request.resolver_match.url_name == "tag_filter" %}
  <h1>Upcoming Events with "{{ concerts.0.tags.name }}" Tag</h1>
  {% endif %}

But {{ concerts.0.tags.name }} is returning nothing. I've tried a few variations but nothing so far. Any ideas? Thank you!

Editing to add my urlconf , just in case that's relevant:

url(r'^tag/(?P<tag>[\w-]+)/$', views.tag_filter, name="tag_filter"),

I figured it out. I just added the 'tag': tag, to my context dictionary, then I can easily call {{ tag }} in the template. Hope this helps someone in the future. :)


def tag_filter(request, tag):
    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    concerts = Concert.objects.filter(tags__name__in=[tag])\
    return render(request, 'concerts/calendar.html', {'concerts': concerts,
                                                      'tag': tag})


  {% elif request.resolver_match.url_name == "tag_filter" %}
  <h1>Upcoming Events with "{{ tag }}" Tag</h1>
  {% endif %}

It seems that Concert has a ManyToManyField to tags , so when you do: {{ concerts.0 }} , you have access to a Concert instance. {{ concerts.0.tags }} and there you have access to many tags as Concert has Many Tags.

So if you want to display one tag, you need to slice one

{{ concerts.0.tags.0.name }}

Or if you want to display all the tags related to that Concert, you can use {% for loop %}

<h1>Upcoming Events with "{% for tag in concerts.0.tags.all %}{{ tag }}{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}" Tag</h1>

{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %} is only to add a comma , as a separator between tags.

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