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How to disable entire Primefaces dataTable

Is there a way to disable the entire dataTable in Primefaces? Somebody suggested to use the editable component but that doesn't seem to help.

#{conversionRatesBean.readOnlyUser} is the code that filters out the group of users.

I am using Primefaces 3.5 and JSF 2.1.6

If not in Primefaces, can somebody suggest some solutions in jQuery?

<div class="grid_12 width_75_pc margin_left_auto" > 
    <div class="datatable">
        <p:dataTable editable="#{!conversionRatesBean.readOnlyUser}" id="conversionRateTable" var="row" value="#{conversionRatesBean.rowNames}" rowIndexVar="rowIdx" styleClass="projectTable table-container">
            <p:column headerText="" styleClass="#{rowIdx  == -1  ? 'itPanelGreen' : 'ui-widget-header'} textAlignCenter valign-middle width_20_pc column_name" >
                            <h:outputText value="1  #{row.name} =" />
            <p:columns var="column" value="#{conversionRatesBean.colNames}" headerText="#{column.name}" columnIndexVar="colIdx"
                                    styleClass="#{rowIdx == colIdx ? 'itPanelGreen' : 'textAlignCenter'}">
                  <input:decimalField beanValue="#{conversionRatesBean.conversionMap[row][column].conversionValue}"
                      rendered="#{rowIdx != colIdx}"
                      styleClass="textAlignRight "
<div class="actions grid_12 alpha">
        <p:commandButton id="saveBtn" value="Save" update="conversionRateTable"
            oncomplete = "qt.removeSavedState();"
            styleClass="js-saveButton button" onstart="screenUtils.triggerRequired(); if(screenUtils.errorsOnPage()){return false;}"/>

        <pretty:link mappingId="rateSelection" styleClass="displayInlineBlock margin_top_5">
            <f:param value="#{conversionRatesBean.rateId}" />
            <h:outputText value="#{msgs.backtoOverView}" styleClass="linky margin_left_10" />

I managed to fix the issue by doing this:

Added the following line of code in the decimalField.xhtml page, which was essentially a composite implementation for the input tag.

 <composite:interface> <composite:attribute name="disabled" default="#{false}"/> </composite:interface> 

Thereafter, from the using page conversionRates.xhtml called the composite attribute as below:

<input:decimalField disabled="#{conversionRatesBean.readOnlyUser}"/>

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