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Get all the values of single key from the list map java8

I have the list as follows:

List<Map<String,Object>> mapList=new ArrayList<>();
Map<String,Object> mapObject=new HashMap<String,Object>();
Map<String,Object> mapObject1=new HashMap<String,Object>();

and so on...

Now I want to get all the values of the key "No" as a string seperated by comma as follows:

String noList="1,2,3"

Can anyone please suggest me what may best way to do it. I know we can do it by looping but instead of looping is any other ways to do it.

Explanations inline!

mapList.stream()                       // stream over the list
    .map(m -> m.get("No"))             // try to get the key "No"
    .filter(Objects::nonNull)          // filter any null values in case it wasn't present
    .map(Object::toString)             // call toString for each object
    .collect(Collectors.joining(",")); // join the values

Simply map the list:

String list = mapList.stream()
    .filter(x -> x.containsKey("No")) // get only the maps that has the key
    .map(x -> x.get("No").toString()) // every map will be transformed like this
   .collect(Collectors.joining(",")); // joins all the elements with ","

The use of HashMap<String, Object> suggests that it might be better to create a new class for this data. Have you considered this possibility before?

You can loop like this:

List<String> noList = new ArrayList<>(mapList.size());
for (Map<String,Object> m : mapList) {
    Optional.ofNullable(m.get("No")) // get value mapped to "No" or empty Optional
        .ifPresent(noList::add); // if not empty, add to list
System.out.println(String.join(",", noList));

or internally (the officially preferred version IIRC):

List<String> noList = new ArrayList<>(mapList.size());
mapList.forEach(m -> 
System.out.println(String.join(",", noList));

Now that I think of it, it's shorter than the Stream version.

Answered a pretty similar question 30 minutes ago.

You are using repeated keys. This makes it look like you don't need maps, but a class with the attributes "No", "Name", etc. If you've this class you can just iterate your instances on the list and concatenating to a String.

If no matter what you want to have your maps, simply get the values of the "No" key, but note that this is a wrong practise and you should be probably using a class instead of maps:

String res = "";

for(int i = 0; i < mapList.size(); i++) {
    Map<String,Object> map = mapList.get(i);
    if(i != mapList.size() - 1)

PS: If you are going with the bad solution practise, use the stream alternatives in the other answers if your knowledge of stream is enough to understand them.

Try this out,

String concatValues = mapList.stream().map(map -> String.valueOf(map.get("No")))

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