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Flutter increase height of TextFormField

I am creating a Flutter app. i made the design like this. 在此处输入图像描述

My TextFormField form field for email and password heights are small. I want it to be the same size of the button.

final email = TextFormField(
    keyboardType: TextInputType.emailAddress,
    autofocus: false,
    initialValue: 'sathyabaman@gmail.com', 
    style: new TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.normal, color: Colors.white),
    decoration: InputDecoration(
      hintText: 'Email', 
      contentPadding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(20.0, 10.0, 20.0, 10.0),
      border: OutlineInputBorder(
        borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(32.0)

Whats the syntax for the height in text form field.

Just adjust the contentPadding in InputDecoration.


final email = TextFormField(
    keyboardType: TextInputType.emailAddress,
    autofocus: false,
    initialValue: 'sathyabaman@gmail.com',
    style: new TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.normal, color: Colors.white),
    decoration: InputDecoration(
      hintText: 'Email',
      contentPadding: new EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 25.0, horizontal: 10.0),
      border: OutlineInputBorder(borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(32.0)),

You can change the height by changing the minLines value just try this

                           keyboardType: TextInputType.multiline,
                           controller: _opTextController,
                           decoration: InputDecoration(
                               isDense: true,
                             border: OutlineInputBorder(
                               borderSide: BorderSide(color: Colors.black)

                           maxLines: 5,
                           minLines: 3,
                           // controller: cpfcontroller,


Use these two lines to control TextFormField Height inside InputDecoration .

isDense: true, 
contentPadding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(10, 10, 10, 0),

Full example

                elevation: 4,
                shadowColor: Colors.blue,
                shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10)),
                child: Padding(
                  padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 12),
                  child: TextFormField(
                    controller: searchProvider.searchController,
                    keyboardType: TextInputType.text,
                    decoration: InputDecoration(
                        hintText: 'hintText',
                        isDense: true, // important line
                        contentPadding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(10, 10, 10, 0),// control your hints text size
                        hintStyle: TextStyle(letterSpacing: 2, color: Colors.black54, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
                        fillColor:  Colors.white30 ,
                        filled: true,
                        border: OutlineInputBorder(borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(30), borderSide: BorderSide.none)),

You can user this code to customized your TextFormField

new SizedBox(
  width: 200.0,
  height: 300.0,
  child: const Card(child: const Text('Hello World!')),

just add a Container. Adjust the height of the Container as per Your requirement and make textformfield the child of the container.

Set the expands attribute on TextFormField to be true then put TextFormField into a SizedBox with a height

   height: 40.0,
   child: TextFormField(
    keyboardType: TextInputType.emailAddress,
    autofocus: false,
    expands: true //Setting this attribute to true does the trick
    initialValue: 'sathyabaman@gmail.com', 
    style: new TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.normal, color: Colors.white),
    decoration: InputDecoration(
      hintText: 'Email', 
      contentPadding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(20.0, 10.0, 20.0, 10.0),
      border: OutlineInputBorder(
        borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(32.0)

There's another alternative to adding extra, permanent padding to cover the errorText — which would probably mess up many designer's original project.

You could create a modified version of the source's TextFormField .

To achieve just that, you can:

  1. Copy-paste all of the content in the source's TextFormField .
  2. Rename your custom TextFormField just so you avoid naming conflicts with the original.
    • You should probably also rename the internal state class.
    • In VS Code, you can use Ctrl + H to replace TextFormField for, say, TextFormFieldWithErrorTextOption .
  3. Add another parameter to the TextFormField 's constructor (below this line ), say, errorTextPresent :
     // `true` is the current implicit default, ie, showing the `errorText` bool errorTextPresent = true
  4. Change the decoration's initialization for the internal TextField :
    1. From:
       decoration: effectiveDecoration.copyWith(field.errorText)
    2. To:
       decoration: effectiveDecoration.copyWith( errorText: errorTextPresent ? field.errorText : null)
  5. Then, you can use your new TextFormField similarly to how you use any TextFormField :
     TextFormFieldWithErrorTextOption( errorTextPresent: false, // `false` will disable the `errorText` ... ),




You need to use a SizedBox and TextField.maxLines property.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  final height = 100.0;
  return Scaffold(
    body: SizedBox( // <--- SizedBox
      height: height,
      child: TextField(
        cursorColor: Colors.red,
        maxLines: height ~/ 20,  // <--- maxLines
        decoration: InputDecoration(
          filled: true,
          hintText: 'Hint text',
          fillColor: Colors.grey,
                          child: TextFormField(
                            controller: emailAddressController,
                            obscureText: false,
                            decoration: InputDecoration(
                              labelText: 'Email Address',
                              labelStyle: TextStyle(
                                fontFamily: 'Lexend Deca',
                                color: Color(0xFF95A1AC),
                                fontSize: 14,
                                fontWeight: FontWeight.normal,
                              hintText: ' Enter your email here ...',
                              hintStyle: TextStyle(
                                fontFamily: 'Lexend Deca ',
                                color: Color(0xFF95A1AC),
                                fontSize: 14,
                                fontWeight: FontWeight.normal,
                              enabledBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
                                borderSide: BorderSide(
                                  color: Color(0xFFDBE2E7),
                                  width: 2,
                                borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8),
                              focusedBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
                                borderSide: BorderSide(
                                  color: Color(0xFFDBE2E7),
                                  width: 2,
                                borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8),
                              filled: true,
                              fillColor: Colors.white,
                                      10, 10, 0, 10),
                            style: TextStyle(
                              fontFamily: ' Lexend Deca',
                              color: Color(0xFF2B343A),
                              fontSize: 14,
                              fontWeight: FontWeight.normal,

If anyone's searching for a different solution to change its height, besides changing the Theme. You can use the decoration's constraints parameter:

decoration: const InputDecoration(
            constraints: BoxConstraints(maxHeight: 50, minHeight: 50),
            labelText: "Your Label")

Use a TextField or a TextFormField, add this parameters, maxLines . See code below:

final inputBorder =
        OutlineInputBorder(borderSide: Divider.createBorderSide(context));

                controller: _myController,
                keyboardType: TextInputType.text,
                decoration: InputDecoration(
                  constraints: const BoxConstraints.expand(
                  height: 300, width: 400
                  hintText: 'What is Your Question?',
                  border: inputBorder,
                  focusedBorder: inputBorder,
                  enabledBorder: inputBorder,
                  filled: true,
                  contentPadding: const EdgeInsets.all(8),
                maxLength: 250,
                maxLines: 50,

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