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@ExceptionHandler for Wrapped Exception / getCause() in Spring

Does anyone know the best/simplest way to use @ExceptionHandler for wrapped Exceptions?

I have a custom org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter that I use for converting a @PathVariable and it throws a custom runtime exception if the input is outside a standard range.

This winds up being wrapped in a ConversionException by Spring, which I can handle with @ExceptionHandler(ConversionException.class) in my Controller Advice.

However I have to .getCause() and use instanceof to determine if the underlying exception is the type I'm interested in. At that point I can use the response to .sendError() but in the case where I have a different underlying exception I'm not sure what to do?

If I rethrow the original exception I get a nasty log message 'Failed to invoke @ExceptionHandler method', and it doesn't feel right.

Is there an easy way to do something like @ExceptionHandler(MyCustomConversionException.class ) where MyCustomConversionException is the cause of the ConversionException in the @ControllerAdvice ?


Create a ControllerAdvice class @ControllerAdvice which would allow you to create multiple @ExceptionHandler entries. Each method can reference a single exception or multiple exceptions.

for example:

public class ExceptionController extends ResponseExceptionHanlder {
  @ExceptionHandler(value = { NumberFormatException.class })
  protected ResponseEntity<Object> handleNumberFormatExcpetion(Exception ex, WebRequest request) {
     //TODO: Handle exception
     return handleExceptionInternal(ex, 'error', new HttpHeaders(), HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, request);

  @ExceptionHandler(value = { InvalidClassException.class })
  protected ResponseEntity<Object> handleNumberFormatExcpetion(Exception ex, WebRequest request) {
     //TODO: Handle exception
     return handleExceptionInternal(ex, 'error', new HttpHeaders(), HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, request);

  @ExceptionHandler(value = { MaxUploadSizeExceededException.class,  SizeLimitExceededException.class })
  protected ResponseEntity<Object> handleNumberFormatExcpetion(Exception ex, WebRequest request) {
     //TODO: Handle exception
     return handleExceptionInternal(ex, 'error', new HttpHeaders(), HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, request);


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