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Convert from Boost Hana Tuple to Std Vector

I am trying to create a std::vector from a boost::hana::tuple at compile-time like so:

boost::hana::tuple<std::string> namesString{ "Hello", "World" };
std::vector<std::string> namesStringVector{};

This clearly doesn't work because the while loop is not run at compile-time.

How do we achieve this effect in Boost::Hana? Ie what compile-time Hana construct would allow us to perform this cast? I tried doing

    namesStringVector = (std::vector<std::string>)namesString;

and hana::to < std::vector < std::string > >(namesString);

But it tells me there does not exist such a cast in both cases.

For starters, boost::hana::tuple<std::string> namesString{ "Hello", "World" }; doesn't make sense because your tuple only has one element but you try to initialize it with two.

Second, it doesn't really make sense to initialize a std::vector from a hana::tuple , since it implies that all the elements of the tuple have the same type. Instead, you should probably be using std::array . Hana is useful when you need heterogeneity (elements with different types), which you don't seem to need here. When you don't need heterogeneity, using std::array or similar tools will be much easier and natural than using Hana.

In addition to the concerns that Louis addressed there are some other issues with how you are trying to use a tuple. Note that a tuple can not have its length or the types within it changed as types are completely immutable in C++ so you have to think in terms of pure functional programming.

Your call to is_empty will always return true, and drop_front can not change the input value, it only returns a new tuple with the front element removed. (in your case it would be tuple<> which is empty).

You might want to rethink your use case for wanting to convert a tuple to vector, but here is an example to hopefully get you started.

#include <boost/hana.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

namespace hana = boost::hana;

template <typename T>
constexpr auto to_vector = [](auto&& ...x) {
        return std::vector<T>{std::forward<decltype(x)>(x)...};

int main() {
        auto xs = hana::make_tuple("Hello", "World");

        auto vec = hana::unpack(xs, to_vector<std::string>);

        for (auto const& x : vec) {
                std::cout << x << ' ';

        std::cout << '\n';

Notes about list types:

  • std::vector has a run-time length and a single type for all elements.
  • std::array has a compile-time length and a single type for all elements.
  • hana::tuple has a compile-time length and any element can be any

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