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Reusing hashlib.md5 calculates different values for identical strings

This is my first test code:

   import hashlib
   md5Hash = hashlib.md5()
   print md5Hash.hexdigest()

   print md5Hash.hexdigest()

   print md5Hash.hexdigest()

And this is my second chunk of code:

    import hashlib
    md5Hash = hashlib.md5()
    print md5Hash.hexdigest()

    print md5Hash.hexdigest()

    print md5Hash.hexdigest()

But the output for 1st code is:


And for the second code is:


I replaced the second string from 'Apples' to 'Bananas' and the third string still remains same. But still I am getting a different result for third string. Hashing supposed to have a same result everytime. Am I missing something?

Because you're using update method, md5Hash object is reused for the 3 strings. So it's basically the hash of the 3 strings concatenated together. So changing the second string changes the outcome for the 3rd print as well.

You need to declare a separate md5 object for each string. Use a loop (and python 3 compliant code needs the bytes prefix BTW, and also works in python 2):

import hashlib
for s in (b'Coconuts',b'Bananas',b'Oranges'):
    md5Hash = hashlib.md5(s)  # no need for update, pass data at construction



note that the values are now different, but at least it is the MD5 of each string, computed independently.

hashlib.md5.update() adds data to the hash. It doesn't replace the existing values; if you want to hash a new value, you need to initialize a new hashlib.md5 object.

The values you're hashing are:

"Coconuts"               -> 0e8f7761bb8cd94c83e15ea7e720852a
"CoconutsApples"         -> 217f2e2059306ab14286d8808f687abb
"CoconutsApplesOranges"  -> 4ce7cfed2e8cb204baeba9c471d48f07

"Coconuts"               -> 0e8f7761bb8cd94c83e15ea7e720852a
"CoconutsBananas"        -> a82bf69bf25207f2846c015654ae68d1
"CoconutsBananasOranges" -> 47dba619e1f3eaa8e8a01ab93c79781e

Expected result

What you are expecting is generally what you should be expecting from common cryptographic libraries. In most cryptographic libraries the hash object is reset after calling a method that finalizes the calculation such as hexdigest . It seems that hashlib.md5 uses alternate behavior.

Result by hashlib.md5

MD5 requires the input to be padded with a 1 bit, zero or more 0 bits and the length of the input in bits. Then the final hash value is calculated. hashlib.md5 internally seems to perform the final calculation using separate variables, keeping the state after hashing each string without this final padding.

So the result of your hashes is the concatenation of the earlier strings with the given string, followed by the correct padding, as duskwulf pointed out in his answer .

This is correctly documented by hashlib:


Return the digest of the strings passed to the update() method so far . This is a string of digest_size bytes which may contain non-ASCII characters, including null bytes.



Like digest() except the digest is returned as a string of double length, containing only hexadecimal digits. This may be used to exchange the value safely in email or other non-binary environments.

Solution for hashlib.md5

As there doesn't seem to be a reset() method you should create a new md5 object for each separate hash value you want to create. Fortunately the hash objects themselves are relatively lightweight (even if the hashing itself isn't) so this won't consume many CPU or memory resources.

Discussion of the differences

For hashing itself resetting the hash in the finalizer may not make all that much sense. But it does matter for signature generation: you might want to initialize the same signature instance and then generate multiple signatures with it. The hash function should reset so it can calculate the signature over multiple messages.

Sometimes an application requires a congregated hash over multiple inputs, including intermediate hash results. In that case however a Merkle tree of hashes is used, where the intermediate hashes themselves are hashed again.

As indicated, I consider this is bad API design by the authors of hashlib. For cryptographers it certainly doesn't follow the rule of least surprise.

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