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$event object inside $http.get AngularJS

I am currently doing a web application with AngularJS and a consumable API using SlimPHP.

When I register a user, I need to perform a check using a GET method. Depending on this method returns, I should run the $event.preventDefault() or not.

The code of AngularJS is the following:

$scope.checkEmails = function(e){
  var req = $http.get(url + 'adv/register/check?email=' + $scope.email).then(function(response){
      if(response.data === true) {

And the HTML button is this:

<button type="submit" class="btn btn-alt-success" ng-click="checkEmails($event)">

The problem is that, when i try to execute the e.preventDefault() , inside scope of $http call the object $event is undefined.

So, how i can pass this object inside $http call , or how i can get the values from $http call outside of their scope to make the check outside the call.


Try like this

$scope.checkEmails = function(e){

  var req = $http.get(url + 'adv/register/check?email=' + $scope.email).then(function(response){
      if(response.data === true) {
        $scope.submitForm =false;
      } else{
         $scope.submitForm = true;

Add ng-submit like this

<form ng-submit=“submitForm && submit()”>

Your setup will never work because the form is submitted long before the $http request is resolved. A button with type="submit" will submit its referring form immediately; due to JS asynchronous nature a delayed preventDefault() has no effect. So avoid submitting the form through a submit button and do it by code instead. There is multiple ways, in plain JS :



<button type="button" class="btn btn-alt-success" ng-click="checkEmails()">
$scope.checkEmails = function(e) {
  $http.get(url + 'adv/register/check?email=' + $scope.email).then(function(response){
    if (response.data !== true) {

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