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export dictionary to csv file in python


I am trying to export an output file as a CSV file.

I have 15 columns and 400 rows.

In my code, I stored data in the dictionary file, which means that I have one dictionary for each column.

So I want to get a CSV file which includes all dictionary in the same file.
I tried to use a (for) loop in order to do that, but it did not work.

use Pandas libray

let us Assume your dictionary is like this:

    my_dict = {'key1': '1', 'key2': 'b', 'key3': '123'}

To tackle your problem use :

    import pandas as pd

    (pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data=mydict, orient='columns')
    .to_csv('file_name.csv', header=False))

See Ivan Calderon's Answer for more information.!!

Please Check the variable as per your need. This should work.

def WriteCsv(csvFileName, csvFieldNames,  row=None ):

    import csv
    import os 
    if row:
        if os.path.exists(csvFileName):

            f_handle = open(csvFileName, 'a')
            csvWriter = csv.DictWriter(f_handle, fieldnames=csvFieldNames)

            f_handle =  open(csvFileName, 'w+')
            csvWriter = csv.DictWriter(f_handle, fieldnames=csvFieldNames)

for row in dict_data:

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